Joomla extensions

Joomla extensions - FREE Blog module for Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5

Our latest product: Just a blog FREE / PRO module - free blog Joomla! module / extension with PRO version available.

We develop components, modules and plugins for Joomla!, PrestaShop and WordPress.

Just a Blog module - free blog

Just a Blog FREE module - free blog Joomla! module / extension shows articles from one or more categories in nice blog view.

There are many Blog components available for Joomla, but how to deal with the situation if it is necessary to display a set of filtered articles like a small block (blog element) on a page, if another component is already used on this page?

Or do you want to post links in an article to other related articles in the form of a small blog?

Maybe you want to display only 1 or 2 latest articles vertically in the sidebar of the site?


just a blog module example 1


  • In the first case, using the Just a Blog module, you can now add this module to the desired page.
  • In the second case, this Just a Blog module can be placed in an article with the standard Joomla option {loadmoduleid moduleId} (replace moduleId with Your module ID) or by using one of the Joomla extensions that allow a standard module to be placed in an article.

Description - free blog Joomla! module / extension

  • module shows an article image, article title and article introtext for each article,
  • Link to the article throughout the article block,
  • unlimited articles count,
  • articles filtering by one or more categories,
  • unlimited category count,
  • articles ordering (Recently added, recently modified, recently published, recently touched, random),
  • equal height of article items,
  • equal height of article image,
  • article image always centered and fully cover article image block,
  • "Read more" always on bottom,
  • module background image can be set,
  • No JavaScript;
  • works with Bootstrap, max 3 columns (max 4 columns in PRO),
  • the article introtext image Alt tag is used as article image Alt tag,
  • etc.

Supported Joomla! versions for free blog Joomla! module / extension: J!4, J!5

Joomla! update system implemented.

This free blog Joomla! module / extension is not available yet in Joomla Extensions Directory. But it will be.

Free version available in one style, one layout.

No support for free version, just enjoy it!

If You update module from version < 1.0, open module and RESAVE it !

Download FREE

Changelog will be available after a few more things need to be done for this module.

Install Just a blog - free blog module

Standart Joomla! procedure: Upload the module to Your Site Admin panel -> System -> Install -> Extensions -> Upload package file.

Publishing Just a blog - free blog module

In order for the module to start displaying articles on the website, you need to do 6 things:

  1. Find the module in Modules page and open it for editing;
  2. Choose one or more categories: Module edit screen -> Modules;
  3. Assign module position: Module edit screen -> Modules;
  4. Change module status to "Published": Module edit screen -> Modules;
  5. Assign one or more menu items or all pages: Module edit screen -> Menu Assignment,
  6. "SAVE" or "SAVE & CLOSE" the module.

This module is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.

Just a Blog PRO module

The Just a Blog PRO module contains all the same features as the Just a Blog FREE module.

Additional features for Just a Blog PRO module:

  • 4 column layout available,
  • articles filtering by Tags,
  • articles filtering by Featured articles,
  • articles filtering by Author,
  • articles layouts: 8 layouts / combinations of articles elements available (title, image, title on image, details, text, readmore),
  • article details block: Category and/or Author and/or Date (Published or Modified) in 6 layouts / combinations,
  • article text block can show article intro text or full article text,
  • articles text limit by character count, no break words!
  • switch to filter out HTML tags and {...} strings *,
  • switch to turn off article title,
  • switch to turn off all images, if You want to display just textual info (title, text, etc.),
  • switch to turn off article details,
  • switch to turn off article text,
  • switch to turn off article "Read more",
  • switch to exclude current article from module. This switch works only if a module is used in single article / component page. If enabled - current article is excluded from articles list in module. This is a great way to use the module to display the latest / other articles on the same topic, category,
  • article image height can be set in pixels,
  • switch for articles images: Introtext image / Full text image,
  • article default image: Article image fallback to this default image, if article intro/full image is not set,
  • article image default Alt tag: Article image Alt tag fallback to this default Alt tag, if article intro/full image Alt tag is not set. This is very important for the site SEO,
  • no broken image links in case, if none of the images are set: neither the intro image, nor the full text image, nor the default image,
  • option to serve default CSS inline and minimized, this is better for site SEO,
  • inline custom CSS field;
  • option to remove comments from custom CSS,
  • option to minimize custom CSS,
  • custom CSS ID identifier #thismodule: if You use several modules on some of Your website pages (as example: homepage), using Custom CSS ID #thismodule you can set a different visual design for each of these modules,
  • No Javascript in module,
  • inline custom JS field, if necessary, for additional styling,
  • custom JS ID identifier #thismodule: if You use several modules on some of Your website pages (as example: homepage), using Custom JS ID #thismodule You can set a different functionality for each of these modules,
  • custom HTML before module: for title, subtitle, other HTML stuff, or for wrapping whole module to HTML tag(s),
  • custom HTML after module: for subtitle, link(s), additional info and other HTML stuff, or for wrapping whole module to HTML tag(s).

With Custom CSS and Custom JS there are practically unlimited design possibilities!

* - In order to properly design the HTML structure of the content of the article, especially in cases where the end of the limited content hits inside an HTML tag (and this tag is not closed correctly), HTML tags and {...} strings are filtered out.

Latest version of the moment (08.02.2024): v. 0.72

Just a Blog PRO module screenshots

Just a Blog PRO module support

Forum in development.

Support is available by e-mail: Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt.

Just a Blog PRO module changelog

Changelog will be available after a few more things need to be done for this module.

Tips and tricks

Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to get corners rounded:

.justablog-item-inner {border-radius: 15px; overflow: hidden;}


Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to get justified text:

.justablog-intro {text-align: justify;}


Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to align title left:

.justablog-title {text-align: left;}


Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to increase title font size:

.justablog-title {font-size: 1.9rem;}


Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to change title color and title background color for "Title on Image" layouts only:

.justablog-image > .justablog-title {
background: #EFEFEF;
color: #333333;


If You use several modules in one page, You can easy style every module seperately.  Use Just a Blog PRO module universal CSS ID identifier #thismodule !

Add this CSS code to Custom CSS field to change title color and title background color for "Title on Image" layouts only, only for this module:

#thismodule .justablog-image > .justablog-title {
background: linear-gradient(110deg,rgba(255,255,255,0.95),rgba(255,255,255,0.75));
color: #333333;



6 articles, 3 columns for wide screens, background image



4 articles, 4 columns for wide screens, image height 120px, article layout: details(category and author)/title/image/text/readmore, intro text limited by 200 chars, random order, module background image.



3 articles, 3 columns for wide screens, image height 350px, article layout: image/details(author, published date)/title/text/readmore, exclude current article - disabled, full text limited by 120 chars, article default image, module background image, custom CSS with #thismodule:

#thismodule .justablog-item-inner {background-image: url(/images/backgrounds/paper-300-bg.avif); background-color: rgb(255,255,255,0.75); background-blend-mode: screen;}
#thismodule .justablog-title {width: 80%; margin-bottom: -3rem; z-index: 10; background: #FFF; border-right: 2px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-top-right-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;}



4 articles, 4 columns for wide screens, article layout: title/details(category)/image(no image)/text/readmore(no readmore), intro text not limited, module background image.



4 articles, 2 columns for wide screens, article layout: title on image/details(modified date)/text(no text)/readmore(no readmore), image height 160px, ordering by modified date, no module background image.



2 articles, 1 column, article layout: details(no details)/title on image/text/readmore(no readmore), intro text limited by 360 characters, text HTML tags and {...} are filtered out, image height 200px, ordering by published date, no module background image, custom CSS for only this module with #thismodule for title background, title align left and rounded corners.

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